About Victory

The Victory Church story is only just being written! We’re entering a new chapter as a church (we changed our name in May of 2022), and we believe God is bringing together families and individuals with a vast array of stories and experiences that are being woven together under one vision and direction: Victory!

This church family began in New Castle 15 years ago as Turning Point Life Center — a daughter work of Heritage Apostolic Tabernacle in Muncie, Indiana. Though the church has grown and evolved over the years, one thing has remained constant: this is a church that loves our community and the people in it.

Ministries such as Kids Point Daycare and the Little Blessings programs provide Victory Church with the opportunity to daily minister to the families and children of New Castle. With dozens of families currently being served, we’re looking forward to expanding Victory’s childcare offerings.

Due to rapid growth in both the church and its various ministries, new facilities are under construction on 14th Street that will provide the church with 40,000 sq. ft. of mixed-use space for worship, events, production studios, and expanded childcare space.


The Bible is the inspired, inerrant, and perfectly preserved Word of God. It is true in all that it teaches. As the flawless Word of God, it is our only authority for what we believe and how we live (2 Tim 3.15-17).

There is only one God. The One God has revealed Himself to us as our Father, in His Son Jesus Christ, and through the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that is, the One God manifested in and through an authentic human life. The fullness of the godhead dwells in Jesus bodily. To see Jesus is to see God. (Deut 6.4; John 14.9; Eph 4.4-6; Col 2.9; 1 Tim 3.16).

Everyone has sinned and needs salvation. Salvation comes by grace through faith based on the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ (Rom 3.23-25; 6.23; Eph 2.8-9).

The gospel is the good news that Jesus lived a perfect life, died for our sins, was buried, and rose again three days later. We express our belief in the gospel through our obedience to the gospel. We obey the gospel and apply it to our lives by repenting of our sins (death to sin), being baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins (burial), and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit (resurrection) with the initial evidence of speaking in other tongues. This threefold experience is the consistent pattern of conversion in the early church (1 Cor 15.1-4; 2 Thes 1.8; 1 Pet 4.17; Mark 1.15; Acts 15.7; Rom 6.3-4; Acts 2.4, 37-39; 8.9-17; 10.1-48; 19.1-7).

As Christians we are to love God and love others. We are to worship God joyfully and seek to live a life that is pleasing to him both inwardly and outwardly—in our thoughts, words, and actions. We are empowered to live a life pleasing to God through the Holy Spirit. As a Pentecostal church, we believe that the supernatural gifts of the Spirit are at work in and for the church today and are available to all Spirit-filled believers (Mark 12.28-31; 1 Cor 12.8-10; 2 Cor 7.1; Rom 8.13-14; Gal 5.19-26; Heb 12.14).

Jesus Christ is coming again to rapture his church. In the end will be the final resurrection and the final judgment. The righteous will inherit eternal life in heaven with Jesus Christ, and the unrighteous eternal death. (1 Thes 4.16-17; Rev 20.11-15).


Wes & Brooke Comer

Senior Pastor

Wes Thornburgh

Small Groups Director

Jason Mitchell

Discipleship Director

Jonathan & Haley Mackowiak

Youth Pastor

Olivia Gustin

Victory Kids Director

Heidi Mitchell

Worship Director

Michelle Thornburgh

First Impressions Director

Jack Lynch

Men’s Director

Isaiah Comer

Band Director

trustee board

Greg Chopyak


Jerry Townsend


Melissa Hethcox
